Study Identifies New Eating Disorder in Men ( Protein Powder Abuse may become a new APA diagnosis.
Aphantasia: A Life Without Mental Images ( Take the aphantasia test.
The Emotions That Make Us More Creative (
Antidepressant Drug Trials Are Not Generalizable ( Inclusion/exclusion criteria for antidpressant trials have narrowed over the past five years so that the most typical patients are excluded, rendering results moot.
Facebook Should Pay All of Us ( Jaron Lanier made this argument a couple years ago. It's still valid today. Google, FB, Yahoo, Bing, etc. profit massively from the expropriation of personal data.
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Nitrous oxide emissions from fertilizer used to grow corn have been vastly underestimated, it turns out. |
How the Midwest's Corn Farms Are Cooking the Planet ( And BTW, with oil so cheap, do we really need all that corn ethanol in our fuel now? Couldn't we, like, feed the planet with it or something?
Class War and the Lessons of History ( "The last thing the New Oligarchs want you to do is study history."
The Dark Side of Big Data: A Link Roundup ( Mathbabe rocks. Check out her blog.
The Great Emerging Market Bubble (, in which Bill Emmott, former editor-in-chief of The Economist, identifies weak political institutions as the main culprit behind economic stagnation. In a similar vein, see:
The Antidote to Economic Anxiety Is Better Government (
Where's the Republican Outrage over Saudi Arabia? ( Apparently, only Donald Trump questions the relationship with our longtime "friends," the Saudis. And it's by no means clear he does so for the right reasons.
Yep, 800,000 Bankruptcy Filings This Year ( But that's actually good news, because bankruptcy filings, at 2.65 per 1,000 Americans, are at a 26-year low.
Bernie Sanders Shows How to Do a 404 Page (
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