Juergen Schmidt (who gave a talk at last week's Javapolis conference on why Java programmers should get more involved with OpenOffice) blogged yesterday about the prospect of using JRuby for OOo development:
I also met two Sun colleagues Thomas Enebo and Charles Oliver Nutter, two of the JRuby core developers, and brainstormed a little bit with them about the support of JRuby in OpenOffice.org. JRuby comes directly with Java in the future and the integration work into NetBeans is ongoing. So it would be great to have a good support for JRuby from UNO as well. JRuby as one of the main scripting languages for OpenOffice.org with a smart integration in NetBeans is a really cool idea and I hope that we can deliver something in this direction. We will see what's possible and when!
Some interesting podcasts from Javapolis (including quite a few on agile development) are here.
Friday, December 22, 2006
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Project Tamarin
By now everyone has heard the news that Adobe will donate code for its ActionScript VM to the Mozilla Foundation for use in Firefox. For a quick snapshot of what's going on, see:
The ability to run JIT-compiled JavaScript on a VM is killer, because it knocks down all complaints of JS being slow. And it also opens the door to ultra-fast JS on the server (and pure-JS doublesided AJAX).
The VM architecture looks like this:

But again, it's not really about .swf, it's about compiling JS2 into bytecode, which is an incredibly important advancement.
Brendan Eich held an IRC chat yesterday in which he and Kevin Lynch of Adobe fielded questions about Tamarin. A few interesting factoids came to light:
- Tamarin project page
- Mozilla foundation press release
- Executive summary and analysis by Frank Hecker of the Mozilla Foundation
- Benchmark comparisons of Tamarin versus JavaScript performance (awesome graph)
The ability to run JIT-compiled JavaScript on a VM is killer, because it knocks down all complaints of JS being slow. And it also opens the door to ultra-fast JS on the server (and pure-JS doublesided AJAX).
The VM architecture looks like this:
But again, it's not really about .swf, it's about compiling JS2 into bytecode, which is an incredibly important advancement.
Brendan Eich held an IRC chat yesterday in which he and Kevin Lynch of Adobe fielded questions about Tamarin. A few interesting factoids came to light:
- Acrobat's JS engine will move from Spidermonkey to Tamarin.
- The expansion factor for jitting bytecode to x86 is roughtly from 5X for strongly typed, early-bindable code, to 20X for loosly typed, unbindable code. Thus, you pay a price in memory hunger for the ability to JIT-compile JS, but JS2's new typing system mitigates it somewhat.
- The Tamarin codebase comprises 135,000 lines of C++ (smaller than I would have thought). This is sure to grow but Brendan Eich indicated very strongly that Firefox needs to shrink, not grow, hence there will be pressure to keep Tamarin as lean and efficient as possible.
- Tamarin is not 64-bit-ready. But if the project gets the kind of (huge) traction that it appears it will get in the community, the "64-bit Flash" question may finally get solved. And maybe ES4/JS2 will get a "long" data type in addition to int/uint/double. ;^)
Thursday, November 02, 2006
New ECMA Draft
ECMA's 262 revision-4 working group just published a draft spec of what will hopefully become (by next summer) JavaScript 2.0. This is the first major upgrade to the JavaScript language in almost a decade. Guaranteed to take Ajax to the next level.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
I learned about fuzzing today. Think of it as fault discovery by random input. The underlying assumption: If unexpected input makes an app produce unexpected behavior, you're hosed. Hackers rely on fault-injection to find vulnerabilities. QA can use it to find bugs.
There's a list of open-source fuzzers here.
There's a list of open-source fuzzers here.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Adobe Ditches SVG Viewer
Friend and colleague Pascal Barbier pointed out to me the other day that Adobe will soon stop supporting/developing its free SVG Viewer plug-in for web browsers. As of January 2007, Adobe will simply abandon the SVG Viewer.
Although this move is certainly consistent with Adobe's longterm Flash strategy, I don't think it's motivated by anything Flashy. (Call me naïve.) Adobe already supports SVG in most of its products and will soon leverage SVG in Acrobat via PxDF. Support for SVG goes on. Just not in the browser.
The move mostly affects Internet Explorer users, since SVG support is native in Firefox. But let's face it, how many IE users even have the Adobe plug-in? How many IE users have ever tried to view an SVG page? (How many can even spell SVG?)
I don't blame Adobe (or any company) for abandoning a development-intensive non-product that requires huge gobs of time and money to support. But that raises the question: Why doesn't Adobe donate its Viewer code to the open-source community? This is a great opportunity, after all, for Adobe to win badly needed points in the F/OSS world. From a P.R. standpoint, it's Something Very Good.
Surely they'll figure it out.
Although this move is certainly consistent with Adobe's longterm Flash strategy, I don't think it's motivated by anything Flashy. (Call me naïve.) Adobe already supports SVG in most of its products and will soon leverage SVG in Acrobat via PxDF. Support for SVG goes on. Just not in the browser.
The move mostly affects Internet Explorer users, since SVG support is native in Firefox. But let's face it, how many IE users even have the Adobe plug-in? How many IE users have ever tried to view an SVG page? (How many can even spell SVG?)
I don't blame Adobe (or any company) for abandoning a development-intensive non-product that requires huge gobs of time and money to support. But that raises the question: Why doesn't Adobe donate its Viewer code to the open-source community? This is a great opportunity, after all, for Adobe to win badly needed points in the F/OSS world. From a P.R. standpoint, it's Something Very Good.
Surely they'll figure it out.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Adobe PxDF
Word is slowly leaking out about Adobe's planned XML grammar for PDF (code name Mars, so think SVG-in-a-space-suit).
The new XML-based PDF format ("PxDF") is basically SVG with some extensions to allow for various kinds of embedded resources and references thereto. Recall that PDF can contain form widgets, annotations, JavaScript, and other flotsam. You can specify some of these items as reusable resources, refer to them using XLink, ball everything up into a zip archive, and expect Acrobat 8.x to deal with it (possibly as early as November).
The new XML-based PDF format ("PxDF") is basically SVG with some extensions to allow for various kinds of embedded resources and references thereto. Recall that PDF can contain form widgets, annotations, JavaScript, and other flotsam. You can specify some of these items as reusable resources, refer to them using XLink, ball everything up into a zip archive, and expect Acrobat 8.x to deal with it (possibly as early as November).
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Concurrent JavaScript
There is no such thing, I just made that phrase up. But it seems inevitable. The really ancient concept of futures (from concurrent programming languages) has interesting pointcuts in AJAX development, so I'm forced to give renewed attention to things like Narrative JavaScript, jwacs, and Chris Double's admirable forays into JavaScript future and promise support. All really awesome stuff. It's always interesting to see the JS community outrunning Eich and ECMA on occasion.
If you're still scratching your head, I recommend spending some time with Alice.
If you're still scratching your head, I recommend spending some time with Alice.
Monday, September 18, 2006
How to Make SVG Slower
It's called Dojo2D.
Try this test page. On my machine, Firefox will load that page in 8 seconds, which is about 7.99 billion clock cycles too many, for my taste. But Internet Explorer locks up for a full 30 seconds (consistently, every time) when trying to load the page.
I'm happy to see IE users brutally punished in this fashion, of course. But honestly, this has to be some kind of sick, sick joke, right?
Try this test page. On my machine, Firefox will load that page in 8 seconds, which is about 7.99 billion clock cycles too many, for my taste. But Internet Explorer locks up for a full 30 seconds (consistently, every time) when trying to load the page.
I'm happy to see IE users brutally punished in this fashion, of course. But honestly, this has to be some kind of sick, sick joke, right?
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Dynamic Languages on the JVM
In certain parts of the world it is said that there are three things that can never be known to any man: The hour of one's death, the true name of Allah, and the current status of JSR-292.
Nevertheless, it seems clear that the fruits of JSR-292 will be folded into Dolphin (Java 7, to be released in 2008).
Let's see, that's (how many is it?) thirteen years that it took Sun to realize some people may actually want to do serious programming in something other than you-know-what.
Nevertheless, it seems clear that the fruits of JSR-292 will be folded into Dolphin (Java 7, to be released in 2008).
Let's see, that's (how many is it?) thirteen years that it took Sun to realize some people may actually want to do serious programming in something other than you-know-what.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
JavaScript 1.7 is in Firefox Beta
True to Brendan Eich's earlier timeline predictions, Firefox 2b2 now implements JavaScript 1.7, with such new features as:
Of course, none of this will be in Internet Explorer any time soon. Once again, the Firefox folks have made a bold move into unexplored territory, leaving the safe, comfortable, Web 1.0 weenie-world of Ballmer & Co. ever further behind.
- Array comprehensions
- Fine-tuned scoping via "let" expressions
- Multivalued function returns
Of course, none of this will be in Internet Explorer any time soon. Once again, the Firefox folks have made a bold move into unexplored territory, leaving the safe, comfortable, Web 1.0 weenie-world of Ballmer & Co. ever further behind.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Free Security Book
I owe this one to my colleague Stephen Holmes in Dublin, who today pointed me at the freely downloadable version of Ross Anderson's superb Security Engineering. This is without a doubt one of the finest free online books (of any kind) that I've ever seen, beyond being a celebrated classic in security circles for several years now. The author is a Professor of Security Engineering at the University of Cambridge's Computer Laboratory. Even so, he writes entertainingly. ;^)
The chapters are individually downloadable, or you can shag the whole book. For a quick look, I recommend Chapter 11 (which had me utterly spellbound).
The chapters are individually downloadable, or you can shag the whole book. For a quick look, I recommend Chapter 11 (which had me utterly spellbound).
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Dojo 2D
In the ever-widening quest for richer web widgets, the Dojo guys, it turns out, are considering implementing their own 2D graphics API. It would actually be a bunch of wrappers around SVG, VML, and Canvas methods, of course. The primary target is SVG.
Implementing this for even a small subset of SVG will be arduous. (The Flash ninjas must be laughing themselves sick right about now.) I'm tempted to dismiss Dojo 2D as a quixotic quest. But I also know AJAX developers are clamoring for just this sort of thing, and I'm sure Dojo 2D will be a scandalous success.
Performance is apt to be underwhelming (SVG is already sluggish enough without wrapper layers), but that's never stopped a market disruptor before, and anyway, Dr. Moore can't be far behind with the cure.
Implementing this for even a small subset of SVG will be arduous. (The Flash ninjas must be laughing themselves sick right about now.) I'm tempted to dismiss Dojo 2D as a quixotic quest. But I also know AJAX developers are clamoring for just this sort of thing, and I'm sure Dojo 2D will be a scandalous success.
Performance is apt to be underwhelming (SVG is already sluggish enough without wrapper layers), but that's never stopped a market disruptor before, and anyway, Dr. Moore can't be far behind with the cure.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Lightweight 3D in Java
I finally found the ultimate no-frills super-lightweight 3D library written in Java: Peter Walser's idx3d framework. (Freeware, of course.)
After playing with idx3d for a month, I'm still astonished at how much functionality Peter crammed into just 29 (count 'em) .java files. The code is streamlined and easy to follow (a rarity in 3D engines). No frills, no baroque overfactoring, no "let's be fully general so as to handle the occasional weird-ass edge-case even if it means slowing everything else down."
I've found the idx3d code to be extremely stable, reasonably fast (again, a rarity in Java 3D engines), and after 30 hours of flogging it mercilessly in Eclipse (on Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop), I have yet to see an OutOfMemoryError.
The most wonderful thing about Peter Walser's code is that it was written in Y2K (back when Java was lean and mean) and has very few JRE dependencies: you'll see an occasional java.util class, but for the most part, Walser's code files contain no imports. Which is astonishing.
If you're interested in 3D programming, check this thing out.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
The Zen of Hashing
Hashing and hash algorithms are a pet interest of mine. Understanding hashing at a low level takes a fair amount of meditation. Most programmers are too busy for that. Thus hashing is not well understood outside of, say, cryptography circles.
As it turns out, the guy who did the amusing boredom-graph cartoon (see yesterday's blog) also has written one of the best overviews of hashing I've seen in a long time. Be sure to see his excellent Hash Functions and Block Ciphers page as well.
Study the material on Bob's site. Save yourself years of meditation.
As it turns out, the guy who did the amusing boredom-graph cartoon (see yesterday's blog) also has written one of the best overviews of hashing I've seen in a long time. Be sure to see his excellent Hash Functions and Block Ciphers page as well.
Study the material on Bob's site. Save yourself years of meditation.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
A Timeless Graph
Bob Jensen created this wonderful graph, which confirms what I've long thought: boredom tends to be continuous over its range.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Making XML Smaller
In all the hand-wringing discussions about XML's verbosity that I've read over the years, I have yet to hear anyone suggest simply truncating all closing tags to </>. In other words, if you've got
why not just shorten it to
Verbose closing tags are a pure waste of space (albeit required by XML spec). Abbreviated closing tags don't make the file any less parsable. When the parser encounters </> it knows that the closure is at the nesting level of the previous opening tag. If not, the XML was not well-formed to begin with.
Verbose closing tags are just that. Unneeded verbosity.
why not just shorten it to
Verbose closing tags are a pure waste of space (albeit required by XML spec). Abbreviated closing tags don't make the file any less parsable. When the parser encounters </> it knows that the closure is at the nesting level of the previous opening tag. If not, the XML was not well-formed to begin with.
Verbose closing tags are just that. Unneeded verbosity.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
When Identity Theft is not Theft
Two years from now, it will not be necessary to steal anyone's identity. Web surfers will have given away more personal info to the world than even the greediest thief would ever want to rip off by illegal means.
I'm not so much talking about static identity info, like your Social Security number (which will be worthless anyway in a year or two). I'm talking about the really interesting dirt. Your shopping habits, reading habits, movewatching habits, hobbies, favorite travel destinations, where you went to school, who you've worked for and how long you stayed at each job, and (let's not mince words) sexual preferences, who your friends are, the names and ages of your children. Most of this info can be scraped, right now today, from blog bios, online resumes, mySpace profiles, tag-sharing sites, social networking sites (like linkedin.com), and photo-sharing sites. Your info is out there. You put it there yourself.
And the bad part is, there's no taking it back. Google archives old pages. So does the Wayback Machine.
You're leaking personal info to the world every time you use an online service of any kind. Particularly the spate of Web 2.0 applications offering free online word processing, spreadsheets, chats, etc. Those are hosted apps. Most of the hosts are trustworthy (arguably), but the hosts tend to archive chatlogs and other interaction records, which means the storage media on which that material is archived can be stolen or lost just like the Veteran's Administration guy's laptop.
Or it can be inadvertantly indexed by Google and exposed to searchers (as has happened with supposedly private test scores).
The outflux of identity info onto the Web is massive, and it's accelerating daily, driven largely by the explosion in popularity of "Web 2.0" apps.
All of which is great news to the National Security Agency, who by some accounts are sifting through your data right now.
I'm not so much talking about static identity info, like your Social Security number (which will be worthless anyway in a year or two). I'm talking about the really interesting dirt. Your shopping habits, reading habits, movewatching habits, hobbies, favorite travel destinations, where you went to school, who you've worked for and how long you stayed at each job, and (let's not mince words) sexual preferences, who your friends are, the names and ages of your children. Most of this info can be scraped, right now today, from blog bios, online resumes, mySpace profiles, tag-sharing sites, social networking sites (like linkedin.com), and photo-sharing sites. Your info is out there. You put it there yourself.
And the bad part is, there's no taking it back. Google archives old pages. So does the Wayback Machine.
You're leaking personal info to the world every time you use an online service of any kind. Particularly the spate of Web 2.0 applications offering free online word processing, spreadsheets, chats, etc. Those are hosted apps. Most of the hosts are trustworthy (arguably), but the hosts tend to archive chatlogs and other interaction records, which means the storage media on which that material is archived can be stolen or lost just like the Veteran's Administration guy's laptop.
Or it can be inadvertantly indexed by Google and exposed to searchers (as has happened with supposedly private test scores).
The outflux of identity info onto the Web is massive, and it's accelerating daily, driven largely by the explosion in popularity of "Web 2.0" apps.
All of which is great news to the National Security Agency, who by some accounts are sifting through your data right now.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
RoR Gaining on Atkins Diet
It's official: Ruby on Rails is about to edge past the Atkins diet for popularity.
RoR has also overtaken West Nile virus.
It has to be true. I saw it on Google Trends.
RoR has also overtaken West Nile virus.
It has to be true. I saw it on Google Trends.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Spring Framework Backlash
It's refreshing (and healthy, I think) to see open, honest debate erupt over the usefulness of IoC frameworks, in particular the certifiably trendy Spring framework. I refer to Bob Lee's gratifyingly blunt I Don't Get Spring.
Surprisingly, most of the comments at the end of Lee's blog are dispassionate, logical, and in full agreement with Lee's premise, which (to oversimplify) is that Spring is cryptic, over-architected, and malodorous at a code level (among other felonies), begging the question of why anyone would use it.
I can understand why Lee would feel that way. He's right on most counts. Spring is indeed byzantine and heavy (as most things surrounding J2EE are), and buries too many dependencies in XML. But that doesn't mean Spring doesn't have its legitimate uses.
Surprisingly, most of the comments at the end of Lee's blog are dispassionate, logical, and in full agreement with Lee's premise, which (to oversimplify) is that Spring is cryptic, over-architected, and malodorous at a code level (among other felonies), begging the question of why anyone would use it.
I can understand why Lee would feel that way. He's right on most counts. Spring is indeed byzantine and heavy (as most things surrounding J2EE are), and buries too many dependencies in XML. But that doesn't mean Spring doesn't have its legitimate uses.
Monday, June 05, 2006
JVM as Web-Service Endpoint
Imagine if you could ping a running JVM over HTTP to obtain realtime diagnostic info. That seems to be what Sun has in mind with U.S. Patent 7,039,691, "Java Virtual Machine Configurable to Perform as a Web Server," granted to Sun Microsystems last month.
Abstract: A virtual machine, such as a Java(tm) virtual machine, is configured to operate as a web server so that users, using a browser, can make general-purpose inquiries into the state of the virtual machine or, in some cases, mutate the state of the VM. A "browsable" VM contains a network traffic worker, such as an HTTP thread, a services library, and a VM operations thread, which is an existing component in most virtual machines. The network traffic worker and the VM operations thread communicate through a request data structure. The VM operations thread generates a reply to the request upon receiving a request data structure from the traffic worker. Such a reply can be in the form of an HTTP response containing HTML or XML pages. These pages are transmitted back to the browser/user by the network traffic worker.
Abstract: A virtual machine, such as a Java(tm) virtual machine, is configured to operate as a web server so that users, using a browser, can make general-purpose inquiries into the state of the virtual machine or, in some cases, mutate the state of the VM. A "browsable" VM contains a network traffic worker, such as an HTTP thread, a services library, and a VM operations thread, which is an existing component in most virtual machines. The network traffic worker and the VM operations thread communicate through a request data structure. The VM operations thread generates a reply to the request upon receiving a request data structure from the traffic worker. Such a reply can be in the form of an HTTP response containing HTML or XML pages. These pages are transmitted back to the browser/user by the network traffic worker.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Metacompilers and Checkers
Imagine if your favorite compiler were extensible in such a way that you could add your own custom static checks, to find bugs of a special kind that you need to be able to find but that your compiler is too stupid to know about out-of-the-box. That's the intuition behind metacompiler (MC) technology. You write a checker, which is a snap-in that knows how to check for whatever kind of syntactic or other blunder you care about, and add it to the compiler. Then the compiler knows how to emit new warnings or error messages.
A checker can be as simple or as sophisticated as you want it to be. Maybe you want to be sure that every call to foo( ) is eventually followed by a corresponding call to bar( ). Or you may have application-specific security concerns (in the context of export laws, perhaps). Or you may have company policy around certain syntactical idiosyncracies that would only be of specific concern to your department or your company.
Interestingly, the Stanford MC guys did a pass against the Linux kernel using their own custom checkers plugged into their own MC-aware gcc and found almost 600 potentially serious bugs, most of which have not been looked into yet (if you believe Coverity's latest findings).
A checker can be as simple or as sophisticated as you want it to be. Maybe you want to be sure that every call to foo( ) is eventually followed by a corresponding call to bar( ). Or you may have application-specific security concerns (in the context of export laws, perhaps). Or you may have company policy around certain syntactical idiosyncracies that would only be of specific concern to your department or your company.
Interestingly, the Stanford MC guys did a pass against the Linux kernel using their own custom checkers plugged into their own MC-aware gcc and found almost 600 potentially serious bugs, most of which have not been looked into yet (if you believe Coverity's latest findings).
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Brendan Eich JS-Futures Update
If you're a serious user of Javascript, you must stop reading now and immediately go to:
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Continuations Thought Harmful
In late March, I blogged a couple times about continuations. Suddenly, Sun's Tim Bray and Gilad Bracha have broached the subject, stimulating much heated discussion in the blogosphere. Much heat, little useful work at the crankshaft.
Of all the recent posts on this surprisingly controversial subject, I find Curtis Poe's the most clueful.
Of all the recent posts on this surprisingly controversial subject, I find Curtis Poe's the most clueful.
Friday, May 19, 2006
Putting a Face on AJAX
This online facial-compositing app is the weirdest thing ever. It lets you merge facial features (from actual photos) together to create your own police composite sketches, kind of.
I spent 30 minutes fooling with it. Everything came out looking like Pia Zadora.
I spent 30 minutes fooling with it. Everything came out looking like Pia Zadora.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
AJAX as a Man-in-the-Middle Architecture
A friend at work showed me Gabbly, which is an AJAX IM-chat pushlet that gives the appearance of putting a chat window over the top of any web page you choose (kind of like gmail-chat).
Odd thing is, it even worked for us when we set the URL to a secure wiki page inside the company firewall.
We promptly exited our Gabbly session and began chatting about it on Groupwise Messenger (our company standard). The whole experience was freaky and left us with serious security worries. Especially when Firefox crashed on me within minutes of leaving the Gabbly-iframed page.
According to a discussion at Ajaxian, Gabbly is indeed vulnerable to cross-site scripting attacks. But I'm equally worried about things like Gabbly JS code being able to walk up to the _top frame and read a supposedly secure container page (not to mention issues around Gabbly.com slurping our plaintext conversation in real time). Likewise, there's nothing stopping the Gabbly server from stomping on any Javascript code that's already in-scope in your page.
The thought of people using a 3rd-party-hosted chat app like this at work scares the hell out of me.
But that's the trouble with things like shorttext.com, ajaxwrite.com, and other free-neato-trendy AJAX "services": They require you to rely on the trustworthiness of the host. I put it too delicately. These are man-in-the-middle applications.
User beware.
Odd thing is, it even worked for us when we set the URL to a secure wiki page inside the company firewall.
We promptly exited our Gabbly session and began chatting about it on Groupwise Messenger (our company standard). The whole experience was freaky and left us with serious security worries. Especially when Firefox crashed on me within minutes of leaving the Gabbly-iframed page.
According to a discussion at Ajaxian, Gabbly is indeed vulnerable to cross-site scripting attacks. But I'm equally worried about things like Gabbly JS code being able to walk up to the _top frame and read a supposedly secure container page (not to mention issues around Gabbly.com slurping our plaintext conversation in real time). Likewise, there's nothing stopping the Gabbly server from stomping on any Javascript code that's already in-scope in your page.
The thought of people using a 3rd-party-hosted chat app like this at work scares the hell out of me.
But that's the trouble with things like shorttext.com, ajaxwrite.com, and other free-neato-trendy AJAX "services": They require you to rely on the trustworthiness of the host. I put it too delicately. These are man-in-the-middle applications.
User beware.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Stallman on MSWord Attachments
Recently a friend reminded me of this discussion (old but still relevant) by Richard Stallman of Word attachments and why they're basically the work of Satan.
Friday, April 28, 2006
YAMSWK (Yet Another M$Word-Killer)
My nomination in the category of "best AJAX-based Word workalike" for this week is Zoho Write, one of a suite of impressive Zoho apps. It took a while (30sec) for Firefox to pull down all 51 external .js scripts, but when the app opened, it was a thing of beauty. Imagine my abject stupefaction upon using the Import button to suck in a complex (many tables, many fonts) .sxw file, and seeing it open without errors, looking just the way it should! Yes, Zoho Write handles OpenOffice files. Just as Nature intended.
Unlike a lot of Web2.0 apps, Zoho is not the product of a teenager locked in a closet. Behind the Z-suite is a ten-year-old company, AdventNet, with offices around the world.
This is starting to get exciting.
Unlike a lot of Web2.0 apps, Zoho is not the product of a teenager locked in a closet. Behind the Z-suite is a ten-year-old company, AdventNet, with offices around the world.
This is starting to get exciting.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
109 Laughs
Assignment: Write a 3-dozen-line XML file that will lock up any modern browser.
Answer: See The Billion Laughs attack.
Answer: See The Billion Laughs attack.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Big Blue: Leaders in Teleportation?
No one will ever accuse Big Blue of clairvoyance. But they just may have a handle on teleportation.
Just for fun, go to IBM's site and do a search on "teleportation."
You'll get 19 hits.
Just for fun, go to IBM's site and do a search on "teleportation."
You'll get 19 hits.
IBM Game Research
The IBM Systems Journal is one of those rare publications that you wish would come out more frequently (just the opposite of drain-clogs like eWeek, which I wish would come out half as often). The journal's content is uniformly excellent, and the subject matter frequently delights. Such is the case with Volume 45, Number 1, 2006, devoted entirely to (of all things) Online Game Technology.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
I blogged a while ago about continuations, which may play a role in making AJAX scale well. Today I learned that continuations have been implemented (on an experimental basis) in Mono's virtual machine.
I'm not a Python person so I didn't realize (until after Googling around a bit) that the so-called microthreads of Stackless Python are a way of achieving the same thing.
The key intuition behind stacklessness is that you move everything that would normally be kept on "the stack" out to a data structure on the heap. Therefore one thread can jump between potentially tens of thousands of execution frames.
The ability to run huge numbers of processes concurrently is obviously important in many kinds of applications. If AJAX becomes another driver of this technology, it'll be interesting to see who'll be first to implement a stackless-Java virtual machine.
I'm not a Python person so I didn't realize (until after Googling around a bit) that the so-called microthreads of Stackless Python are a way of achieving the same thing.
The key intuition behind stacklessness is that you move everything that would normally be kept on "the stack" out to a data structure on the heap. Therefore one thread can jump between potentially tens of thousands of execution frames.
The ability to run huge numbers of processes concurrently is obviously important in many kinds of applications. If AJAX becomes another driver of this technology, it'll be interesting to see who'll be first to implement a stackless-Java virtual machine.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
XQuery Engines Compared
While digging around for news/views on JRockit, I happened to stumble onto an XQuery-engine comparative evaluation by (of all people) the Washington Publishing Company, a seller of EDI and HIPAA publications. In case you don't have time to wade through the full study (which is a good read, incidentally), the bottom line is, for maximum performance, robustness, and flexibility, you want the Saxon engine running atop the BEA JRockit JVM.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
How to Comment AJAX Code
Lately I've been perusing some of Oracle's Javascript code from its ADF Faces. I see that it's extraordinarily well commented.
I'm looking at it in OpenOffice, so just for fun, I tell OOo to do a regex-search on
and globally replace that with zilch, thereby wiping out all comment lines.
The result? With comments, Oracle's Core.js file is 140 KB. Without comments: 95 KB. Imagine: almost 50K of comments in a 140K file.
I don't think I've ever seen such well-commented code in any language, ever.
I'm looking at it in OpenOffice, so just for fun, I tell OOo to do a regex-search on
and globally replace that with zilch, thereby wiping out all comment lines.
The result? With comments, Oracle's Core.js file is 140 KB. Without comments: 95 KB. Imagine: almost 50K of comments in a 140K file.
I don't think I've ever seen such well-commented code in any language, ever.
Oracle AJAX Best Practices from 2002
AJAX-the-acronym has been around only since 2005, but (as many observers have pointed out) the underlying techniques have been around much longer.
It turns out Oracle has been publishing its own best-practices advice on "Partial Page Rendering" since 2002.
For the very latest Oracle thoughts on AJAX, I suggest reading the comments in their ADF Javascript code.
It turns out Oracle has been publishing its own best-practices advice on "Partial Page Rendering" since 2002.
For the very latest Oracle thoughts on AJAX, I suggest reading the comments in their ADF Javascript code.
Friday, March 31, 2006
"The Java Problem" (Sun Memo)
Java is slow, piggish, and breaks otherwise-stable software with every new release. We all know that. Or at least Sun Microsystems does: Read this incredible internal Sun memo (dating to 2003, but still very much applicable).
"Within Sun, Java is not viewed as a satisfactory language for the construction of commercial applications."
"That our Java implementation is perceived as inappropriate for many uses is supported by internal documents and policies."
A great, great memo, filled with priceless insights.
One of my personal favorites:
"Our experience in filing bugs against Java has been to see them rapidly closed as 'will not fix'. 22% of accepted non-duplicate bugs against base Java are closed in this way as opposed to 7% for C++."
A particularly noteworthy aside concerns one engineer's desperate quest to circumvent resource exhaustion on Solaris Servers by implementing a particular daemon using J2ME code (yes, that's right: J2ME).
You have to read this memo for yourself. If you're like me, you won't know whether to laugh, cry, or go to work for the circus.
"Within Sun, Java is not viewed as a satisfactory language for the construction of commercial applications."
"That our Java implementation is perceived as inappropriate for many uses is supported by internal documents and policies."
A great, great memo, filled with priceless insights.
One of my personal favorites:
"Our experience in filing bugs against Java has been to see them rapidly closed as 'will not fix'. 22% of accepted non-duplicate bugs against base Java are closed in this way as opposed to 7% for C++."
A particularly noteworthy aside concerns one engineer's desperate quest to circumvent resource exhaustion on Solaris Servers by implementing a particular daemon using J2ME code (yes, that's right: J2ME).
You have to read this memo for yourself. If you're like me, you won't know whether to laugh, cry, or go to work for the circus.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Continuations (Continued)
Several weeks ago, I was reading the doc for Rhino 1.6.2 and came across a mention of support for a new Continuation object. I didn't think much of it. After letting it drop, I returned to it later, looking for examples on the Web of real-world uses of Rhino Continuations. I quickly found a poster child in Apache Cocoon. And another one in Jetty 6.
Then I realized the Web was RIFE with examples of people trying to bring continuations support to various web frameworks. In fact, continuation servers are sprouting all over the place, with funny names like Seaside, Wee, Lakeshore, Continuity, Borges. Written in a variety of languages.
So why the fuss over continuations? The short answer is that it offers an elegant way to keep track of session state in a multi-user client-server app. You end up writing code that looks compact, linear, and obvious, rather than the typical MVC pasta-pile.
But the benefits go far beyond elegant state management. There are payoffs in scalability and efficient use of resources as well.
If you want to grok the basic paradigm shift (and you have time to read only one article), invest a few minutes reading this brilliant minitorial. You just might have a Mega-Aha Moment.
Then I realized the Web was RIFE with examples of people trying to bring continuations support to various web frameworks. In fact, continuation servers are sprouting all over the place, with funny names like Seaside, Wee, Lakeshore, Continuity, Borges. Written in a variety of languages.
Continuation Servers
Server | Language |
Borges | Ruby |
Continuity | Perl |
Lakeshore | Java |
Seaside | smalltalk |
Wee | Ruby |
So why the fuss over continuations? The short answer is that it offers an elegant way to keep track of session state in a multi-user client-server app. You end up writing code that looks compact, linear, and obvious, rather than the typical MVC pasta-pile.
But the benefits go far beyond elegant state management. There are payoffs in scalability and efficient use of resources as well.
If you want to grok the basic paradigm shift (and you have time to read only one article), invest a few minutes reading this brilliant minitorial. You just might have a Mega-Aha Moment.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
goto Returns
AJAX and Ruby are driving a lot of changes in how people do web programming. Witness the resurrection of the hoary concept of continuations (otherwise known as goto in a tuxedo).
The basic notion of a continuation is that it lets you exit from a scope (using neither a return statement nor a "throw" nor a continue nor a break), go do something else, then reenter the original scope as if nothing happened. In fact, if you serialize the continuation, you can come back months later, and continue in a new thread.
It may help to think of a continuation as a snapshot of the current call stack and program counter. The main intuition is that if you can save off enough information about the current execution context, you can reenter that context at your leisure, kind of like hitting Play again after Pausing a video to go make popcorn.
The concept of continuations has been around a long time. In fact, the formalisms around continuations were invented in order to talk meaningfully about the goto statement. But the goto entered lexical leper status after Dijkstra famously savaged it. By 1980, no self-respecting programmer (outside of the Scheme community -- a leper colony in its own right) would speak the word aloud, much less use it in a program.
And yet, goto is a reserved word in Java.
The reason continuations are important to Web 2.0 is that they hold the key to making AJAX scalable. Continuations enable a threadless polling architecture that would be hard to achieve (cleanly) any other way.
I'll have more to say on continuations. In the meantime, if you want to wrap your head around it further, I strongly recommend reading about Cocoon's use of continuations.
The basic notion of a continuation is that it lets you exit from a scope (using neither a return statement nor a "throw" nor a continue nor a break), go do something else, then reenter the original scope as if nothing happened. In fact, if you serialize the continuation, you can come back months later, and continue in a new thread.
It may help to think of a continuation as a snapshot of the current call stack and program counter. The main intuition is that if you can save off enough information about the current execution context, you can reenter that context at your leisure, kind of like hitting Play again after Pausing a video to go make popcorn.
The concept of continuations has been around a long time. In fact, the formalisms around continuations were invented in order to talk meaningfully about the goto statement. But the goto entered lexical leper status after Dijkstra famously savaged it. By 1980, no self-respecting programmer (outside of the Scheme community -- a leper colony in its own right) would speak the word aloud, much less use it in a program.
And yet, goto is a reserved word in Java.
The reason continuations are important to Web 2.0 is that they hold the key to making AJAX scalable. Continuations enable a threadless polling architecture that would be hard to achieve (cleanly) any other way.
I'll have more to say on continuations. In the meantime, if you want to wrap your head around it further, I strongly recommend reading about Cocoon's use of continuations.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Google brings <canvas> to IE
Upon joining the Canvas Developer's Group a few minutes ago, I caught wind of the (astonishing) fact that Google has hacked a <canvas> compatibility layer for IE users, essentially finishing work that was begun a few months ago by Emil A. Eklund. The hack, ironically, relies on VML (the IE-only graphics API that went largely ignored). A similar VML-based effort to bring SVG support (sans Adobe) to IE is being pursued by Mark Finkle.
The full Google <canvas> compatibility script is at http://www.abrahamjoffe.com.au/ben/canvascape/canvas.js.
Test it out on Canvascape.
The full Google <canvas> compatibility script is at http://www.abrahamjoffe.com.au/ben/canvascape/canvas.js.
Test it out on Canvascape.
Friday, March 24, 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
PayPal Computing
Just as Sun Microsystems announces supercomputing on demand, available to anyone and everyone for a paltry $1 per cpu-hour (PayPal gladly accepted), Amazon comes along and offers near-free data storage via its Simple Storage Service.
I suppose it's just a matter of time before Google steps in and moots both offerings.
But let's pull back for a minute and look at this carefully. Suppose you were to substitute the name "Microsoft" for Sun/Amazon/Google. Would you trust your online computing and storage needs to Microsoft, at any price?
Then why would you put that kind of trust in Sun, Amazon, or Google?
I suppose it's just a matter of time before Google steps in and moots both offerings.
But let's pull back for a minute and look at this carefully. Suppose you were to substitute the name "Microsoft" for Sun/Amazon/Google. Would you trust your online computing and storage needs to Microsoft, at any price?
Then why would you put that kind of trust in Sun, Amazon, or Google?
Monday, March 20, 2006
Some revealingly candid dialog has been going on over at Loud Thinking regarding the slow, relentless heat death of WS-*. (Random quote: Getting your head around all the WS-* stuff is like trying to eat an elephant.)
Someone asked David Heinemeier Hansson whether he thought SOAP had legitimate uses or was, to the contrary, simply evil. DHH tactfully replied that SOAP mostly seems unnecessary. "So SOAP feels more like the doorknob to the gates of hell," he concluded. "In itself, a doorknob is hardly evil. But once you turn..."
Someone asked David Heinemeier Hansson whether he thought SOAP had legitimate uses or was, to the contrary, simply evil. DHH tactfully replied that SOAP mostly seems unnecessary. "So SOAP feels more like the doorknob to the gates of hell," he concluded. "In itself, a doorknob is hardly evil. But once you turn..."
Write Once, Curse Everywhere
Like many of my colleagues, I have a torrid love-hate relationship with the Java language.
But let us not forget, it's more than just a language. And therein lies the hitch.
Steve Yegge (now at Google) put together a refreshingly non-religious series of posts about various programming languages that, in one incarnation or another, can run atop the JVM. As an exercise, he wrote a simple game program, then ported it to various languages, then wrote about the experience.
Steve's appraisal of Java resonates with me. "Java has lots of wonderful features," he observes, "but Java isn't one of them. Java's appeal as a platform for doing real work rests precisely on its strengths as a platform, not as a language."
Hypothesis: Sun's greatest contribution to the history of computing is the 'VM', not the 'J', in JVM. The 'J' part is, like a 10-year-old Ford Taurus, beyond economical repair. Yet the world continues to use it, due to virtual-machine lock-in. The barriers to exit are just too high.
But let us not forget, it's more than just a language. And therein lies the hitch.
Steve Yegge (now at Google) put together a refreshingly non-religious series of posts about various programming languages that, in one incarnation or another, can run atop the JVM. As an exercise, he wrote a simple game program, then ported it to various languages, then wrote about the experience.
Steve's appraisal of Java resonates with me. "Java has lots of wonderful features," he observes, "but Java isn't one of them. Java's appeal as a platform for doing real work rests precisely on its strengths as a platform, not as a language."
Hypothesis: Sun's greatest contribution to the history of computing is the 'VM', not the 'J', in JVM. The 'J' part is, like a 10-year-old Ford Taurus, beyond economical repair. Yet the world continues to use it, due to virtual-machine lock-in. The barriers to exit are just too high.
Friday, March 10, 2006
MOA (Mashup Oriented Architecture)
MOA continues to move forward rapidly.
Some important Web 2.0 architectural memes are starting to come together in the form of things like Feedflare API, Ning Atom API, and shortText.com. (If the latter would expose a REST API, it could become the Clipboard of the Web instead of merely the Notepad of the Web.) What's interesting about the Feedflare API is that it involves late evaluation of embedded XPath, giving mashers a nice combination of declarative and imperative styles to draw upon. They also silently cast your RSS to Atom at parse-time.
As more and more powerful mash APIs come on the scene, and as people normalize on Atom as a datagram format, JSON as an object-passing/serialization format, things like shortText.com for clipboard storage, etc., Web 2.0 reaches an architectural maturity level where the likelihood increases that someone will create the "killer app" that finally tips the tipping point away from IE (for good), towards Firefox, Opera, and the Web 2.0 compatibles . . . thereby locking Microsoft out of a Web 2.0 future (if it isn't locked out already). The coming "killer app" will no doubt leverage one or another IE-incompatible technology such as <canvas> and/or E4X and/or Greasemonkey and/or SVG and/or some other cutting edge technology that's fully available in Firefox/Opera but not in IE.
Mark it as a future I-told-you-so.
Some important Web 2.0 architectural memes are starting to come together in the form of things like Feedflare API, Ning Atom API, and shortText.com. (If the latter would expose a REST API, it could become the Clipboard of the Web instead of merely the Notepad of the Web.) What's interesting about the Feedflare API is that it involves late evaluation of embedded XPath, giving mashers a nice combination of declarative and imperative styles to draw upon. They also silently cast your RSS to Atom at parse-time.
As more and more powerful mash APIs come on the scene, and as people normalize on Atom as a datagram format, JSON as an object-passing/serialization format, things like shortText.com for clipboard storage, etc., Web 2.0 reaches an architectural maturity level where the likelihood increases that someone will create the "killer app" that finally tips the tipping point away from IE (for good), towards Firefox, Opera, and the Web 2.0 compatibles . . . thereby locking Microsoft out of a Web 2.0 future (if it isn't locked out already). The coming "killer app" will no doubt leverage one or another IE-incompatible technology such as <canvas> and/or E4X and/or Greasemonkey and/or SVG and/or some other cutting edge technology that's fully available in Firefox/Opera but not in IE.
Mark it as a future I-told-you-so.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Adobe's Linux Problem
The astonishing finding (widely reported) that Adobe Photoshop is on the list of top-ten most wanted Linux applications tells me a couple of things.
It pretty clearly says that GIMP needs to suck a lot less.
Secondly, it tells me Adobe Systems doesn't really care about the Linux market (much less the community).
Adobe's Pam Deziel admits that the shrinkwrap giant has known for some time (well before the Novell survey) about the pent-up demand for a Linux version of Photoshop, based on its own research.
So in other words, Adobe has known for some time that it could make money tomorrow by offering a commercial version of Photoshop on Linux. It chooses to leave this money on the table (shareholders be damned). Not a big enough market, says Adobe.
How, then, does Adobe explain the fact that it currently offers a Solaris version of FrameMaker 7.2? FrameMaker has nowhere near as many users as Photoshop, and Solaris is nowhere near as popular as Linux.
Adobe's story is nowhere near making sense.
It pretty clearly says that GIMP needs to suck a lot less.
Secondly, it tells me Adobe Systems doesn't really care about the Linux market (much less the community).
Adobe's Pam Deziel admits that the shrinkwrap giant has known for some time (well before the Novell survey) about the pent-up demand for a Linux version of Photoshop, based on its own research.
So in other words, Adobe has known for some time that it could make money tomorrow by offering a commercial version of Photoshop on Linux. It chooses to leave this money on the table (shareholders be damned). Not a big enough market, says Adobe.
How, then, does Adobe explain the fact that it currently offers a Solaris version of FrameMaker 7.2? FrameMaker has nowhere near as many users as Photoshop, and Solaris is nowhere near as popular as Linux.
Adobe's story is nowhere near making sense.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Backwalking the Breadcrumbs
If you're the nosy type like me, you've probably been guilty (on more than a few occasions) of navigating a site by popping successive pieces off the tail end of the URL. In other words, if you've found yourself at http://www.somedomain.com/c/b/a/great.txt, you may have been curious about what else is at http://www.somedomain.com/c/b/a, so you hand-excise "great.txt" off the URL in the browser address line and hit Go. After that, you're curious about http://www.somedomain.com/c/b so you hand-remove the /a, etc. Repeat until carpal-tunnel syndrome.
A linkbar button with some Javascript behind it is a lot easier than clicking into the URL, highlighting text, deleting it, hitting Go or Enter, and so on, over and over again. Here's the Javascript that will do this (prefaced by "javascript:" so that it'll run in the address field of the browser):
Remember that for this to work as a bookmarklet, it all has to be on one line. I've broken the code apart here for illustration purposes.
All we do is make array out of the individual location elements of the current URL by breaking it at forward slashes, then pop the tail element off, re-join() the array with '/' delimiters, and make the browser go to the newly formed URL.
Works like a charm.
I keep this script in a link button (called "Peelback") on Firefox's linkbar. It's handy as heck when you've landed on an interesting web page and you want to further navigate a given URL via the ancestor axis.
A linkbar button with some Javascript behind it is a lot easier than clicking into the URL, highlighting text, deleting it, hitting Go or Enter, and so on, over and over again. Here's the Javascript that will do this (prefaced by "javascript:" so that it'll run in the address field of the browser):
Remember that for this to work as a bookmarklet, it all has to be on one line. I've broken the code apart here for illustration purposes.
All we do is make array out of the individual location elements of the current URL by breaking it at forward slashes, then pop the tail element off, re-join() the array with '/' delimiters, and make the browser go to the newly formed URL.
Works like a charm.
I keep this script in a link button (called "Peelback") on Firefox's linkbar. It's handy as heck when you've landed on an interesting web page and you want to further navigate a given URL via the ancestor axis.
Friday, February 24, 2006
XSS: Digg This
According to a recent Digg post, BestBuy's website (allegedly) contains a cross-site-scripting (XSS) vulnerability.
Which is doubly ironic when you consider that until recently, Digg itself was reportedly an XSS risk.
Note: Every verb on this page should be considered to be prepended by "allegedly" unless otherwise indicated.
Which is doubly ironic when you consider that until recently, Digg itself was reportedly an XSS risk.
Note: Every verb on this page should be considered to be prepended by "allegedly" unless otherwise indicated.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Someone on Slashdot wrongly called Unipage a possible replacement for PDF. It has no relationship to PDF whatsoever. It's also not a file format.
So what is it, then? It's simply a way to serialize a web page and its contents, making the page 100% self-contained (with no reliance on outbound links). Images are stored inside the page in data:url format (see RFC 2397), which of course makes the whole scheme incompatible with IE. Then again, the Adobe SVG plugin for IE does support data:url, so it may be possible for some clever soul to write a script that uses embedded SVG islands to work around this IE limitation in semi-transparent manner. So to speak.
So what is it, then? It's simply a way to serialize a web page and its contents, making the page 100% self-contained (with no reliance on outbound links). Images are stored inside the page in data:url format (see RFC 2397), which of course makes the whole scheme incompatible with IE. Then again, the Adobe SVG plugin for IE does support data:url, so it may be possible for some clever soul to write a script that uses embedded SVG islands to work around this IE limitation in semi-transparent manner. So to speak.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
The Firefox SVG Code-Bloat Crisis
Fellow Novell-er and longtime Mozilla contributor Robert O'Callahan penned a blistering (yet obviously well-intentioned) philippic the other day on code-bloat in the Firefox SVG engine. For a minute there, I didn't think anyone else still cared about code size or memory usage. Happily, that turns out not to be the case. O'Callahan worries about code size at the bit level.
But code size is not the only issue. O'Callahan dives quite deeply into the architectural waters and comes up with refreshingly brash statements like "XPCOM is a disease ... people acquire it by being exposed to infected code." He bristles at the notion that a single SVG <rect> element requires 1.2 Kbytes of pointer storage and carries around empty transformLists. (One wonders what he would say about Java, wherein a mere JPanel has 330 methods.)
The real problem, of course, is the SVG spec, which defies any attempt at elegant implementation.
Bring on sXBL with a <canvas> binding.
But code size is not the only issue. O'Callahan dives quite deeply into the architectural waters and comes up with refreshingly brash statements like "XPCOM is a disease ... people acquire it by being exposed to infected code." He bristles at the notion that a single SVG <rect> element requires 1.2 Kbytes of pointer storage and carries around empty transformLists. (One wonders what he would say about Java, wherein a mere JPanel has 330 methods.)
The real problem, of course, is the SVG spec, which defies any attempt at elegant implementation.
Bring on sXBL with a <canvas> binding.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Javascript Source-Code Viewer for Firefox
JSViews is a Firefox plugin that does a code-dump (into one or more new browser windows) of remote ".js" code referenced by any web page. I don't know yet what the limitations are, but it's definitely a worthwhile plugin. I recommend you install it right now, restart Firefox, go to http://www.cnn.com, right-click on the page, choose View External JS, and watch about a dozen Javascript source-view windows open (some containing ad-tracker code).
Monday, February 06, 2006
Novell Open-Sources FLAIM Database
Novell has decided to donate its high-performance FLAIM Database Engine (and the XML-savvy version, XFLAIM) to open source. FLAIM is not new and is not meant to compete with MySQL. It's a platform-neutral, massively scalable, very-high-performance transactional database, written in C++ as a persistence back-end for Novell eDirectory. (It is also used in GroupWise.) The XFLAIM version uses XPath for a query language.
The fact that there are Novell customers with well over 100 million objects in their FLAIM-backed eDirectory trees should tell you how scalable and robust the FLAIM technology is. (It should be robust, after nearly 20 years of development!)
If you want to get a feel for what XFLAIM is all about (given that I can't do it justice here), go to the documentation.
Is this Novell's first step toward open-sourcing eDirectory? Quite honestly, I don't know. (If I did know, I couldn't write about it here.)
The fact that there are Novell customers with well over 100 million objects in their FLAIM-backed eDirectory trees should tell you how scalable and robust the FLAIM technology is. (It should be robust, after nearly 20 years of development!)
If you want to get a feel for what XFLAIM is all about (given that I can't do it justice here), go to the documentation.
Is this Novell's first step toward open-sourcing eDirectory? Quite honestly, I don't know. (If I did know, I couldn't write about it here.)
Thursday, February 02, 2006
AJAX Toolkit Framework (ATF) Project
This announcement describes the new proposed AJAX toolkit for Eclipse 3.2, which is actually "tooling to enable tooling" in the sense that it's a pluggable AJAX IDE framework meant to wrap any of Dojo, Zimbra (Apache Kabuki), or OpenRico. And possibly others, later on.
It's obvious that something like this is sorely needed and will be widely used (and abused). I give the ATF proposal ten thumbs up.
While I expect ATF to sail through Creation Review (and thus become an active Eclipse.org project) with nary a hiccup, I can't say the same thing about the newly proposed Kabuki Project for incubating Zimbra at Apache.
The Kabuki Proposal has not been 100% warmly received over at ASF. The debate has included criticism of Zimbra's code (for being too Java-like, poorly namespaced, bloated, not working correctly out-of-the-box) as well as criticism of Zimbra's lack of community presence, inability to find non-salaried committers, etc. One gets the impression that Zimbra expected that Apache.org would jump on any well-established AJAX framework donation. Evidently not.
What's ironic is that the IBM guys took the ATF Proposal to Apache first before putting it in front of the Eclipse.org WTD group. (I can't recall IBM ever taking an Eclipse technology to Apache for incubation. Can you?) Gory details here.
It's obvious that something like this is sorely needed and will be widely used (and abused). I give the ATF proposal ten thumbs up.
While I expect ATF to sail through Creation Review (and thus become an active Eclipse.org project) with nary a hiccup, I can't say the same thing about the newly proposed Kabuki Project for incubating Zimbra at Apache.
The Kabuki Proposal has not been 100% warmly received over at ASF. The debate has included criticism of Zimbra's code (for being too Java-like, poorly namespaced, bloated, not working correctly out-of-the-box) as well as criticism of Zimbra's lack of community presence, inability to find non-salaried committers, etc. One gets the impression that Zimbra expected that Apache.org would jump on any well-established AJAX framework donation. Evidently not.
What's ironic is that the IBM guys took the ATF Proposal to Apache first before putting it in front of the Eclipse.org WTD group. (I can't recall IBM ever taking an Eclipse technology to Apache for incubation. Can you?) Gory details here.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
My new invented term for AJAX-using-E4X. Quick, somebody trademark it! (Not.)
The interpreter treats a hyphen as a minus-sign, of course, and since
Javascript, XML, and Element Names
So as E4X finds increasing use in the AJAX world, a potential stumbling block comesinto focus around hyphens and other non-word-characters in element names.
The issue is this. E4X has a dot-syntax for XML objects that allows expressions like root.x.y
to obtain the y
element under an x
element under the root. But when an element name contains a hyphen, this syntax breaks. Consider:
var fragment =
<display-label>Please approve.</display-label>
// Now try to access the display-label value
var value = fragment.field.display-label; // ReferenceError!
The interpreter treats a hyphen as a minus-sign, of course, and since
hasn't been declared, it's undefined and unusable. If a variable named "label" does happen to exist in the current scope (e.g. you used var label
in place of var value
above), you won't get any error at all, since subtraction on two defined entities is always a legal production in Javascript.The Workaround
Fortunately, E4X supplies an alternative syntax we can use.
// Instead of this:
var value = fragment.field.display-label; // ReferenceError!
// Do this:
var value = fragment.field["display-label"]; // "Please approve."
There's one more syntax breakage to deal with, and that involves the descendant-retrieval syntax. E.g., root..y
returns a list of all y
descendants under root
, regardless of what level in the tree each one is at. This syntax obviously breaks down if y
is something like data-item
// Instead of this:
var allLabels = fragment..display-label; // error!
// Do this:
var allLabels = fragment.descendants("display-label"); // list of nodes
Similar breakages and workarounds exist for E4X attribute syntax, the details of which are left as an exercise for the reader.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
E4X to DOM and Back Again
If you're like me, some of the time, you'll work in E4X. Other times, you'll use DOM methods. Occasionally you'll want to switch back and forth from one to the other. Here's how to do the roundtrip.
// create E4X XML object
e4x = <div>Hello World!</div>;
// serialize it
serialzed = e4x.toXMLString();
// create DOM object
dom =
( new DOMParser() ).parseFromString( serialzed, 'application/xml' );
// make it into a string again
serialized = ( new XMLSerializer() ).serializeToString(dom);
// back to E4X XML object
e4x = new XML( serialized );
Eventually we can expect to see support for a syntax like e4x = new XML( dom ), but this has yet to be implemented in Firefox.
// create E4X XML object
e4x = <div>Hello World!</div>;
// serialize it
serialzed = e4x.toXMLString();
// create DOM object
dom =
( new DOMParser() ).parseFromString( serialzed, 'application/xml' );
// make it into a string again
serialized = ( new XMLSerializer() ).serializeToString(dom);
// back to E4X XML object
e4x = new XML( serialized );
Eventually we can expect to see support for a syntax like e4x = new XML( dom ), but this has yet to be implemented in Firefox.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
OOo namespace hell -- or is it heaven?
The .odt format continues the OpenOffice.org tradition of using, in essence, a zip archive containing mostly XML. And as in 1.x releases of OOo, the content of your document is in content.xml within the archive.
The number of declared namespaces has grown since .sxw days. Even in the smallest .odt file, you get this:
Notice, in particular, the xforms declaration. It's there by default now, mainly because any .odt can double as an xform.
More of which, later.
The number of declared namespaces has grown since .sxw days. Even in the smallest .odt file, you get this:
<office:document-content xmlns:office="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0" xmlns:style="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:style:1.0" xmlns:text="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0" xmlns:table="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:table:1.0" xmlns:draw="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:drawing:1.0" xmlns:fo="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:xsl-fo-compatible:1.0"
xmlns:meta="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:meta:1.0" xmlns:number="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:datastyle:1.0" xmlns:svg="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:svg-compatible:1.0" xmlns:chart="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:chart:1.0" xmlns:dr3d="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:dr3d:1.0"
xmlns:form="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:form:1.0" xmlns:script="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:script:1.0"
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" office:version="1.0">
Notice, in particular, the xforms declaration. It's there by default now, mainly because any .odt can double as an xform.
More of which, later.
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