For Americans, being unemployed, being out of the workforce, or working part time—but wanting full-time work—are the strongest predictor of having depression. Unemployed adults and those not working as much as they would like are about twice as likely as Americans who are employed full time to be depressed.
Americans who are not in the
workforce are the most likely to be depressed, at 16.6%. Said Gallup:
“It is possible that there is something about employment that
contributes to lower depression rates, or it could be that those who
have depression are less able to seek out and retain employment.”
Either way, inability to find work is a strong predictor of
What’s remarkable about these
numbers is not their magnitude but that they aren’t worse than they
are. The fact that only 16.6% of unemployed adults are depressed (and
83.4% are not) is nothing short of astounding, especially considering
that we live in a victim-blaming culture in which your lack of
ability to make a kazillion dollars is blamed squarely on you.
For more, be sure to check out Of Two Minds (sample chapters are available at
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